George Bush Hates Black People...

“Of the 528 bodies recovered from identifiable addresses in city neighborhoods, 230 came from areas that had household incomes above the citywide median of $27,133. The poorer areas accounted for 298 bodies.”
I am just really sick of these African Americans that say they don’t want racism in one breath and then say something like “George Bush hates black people” in another breath.
Actually, he said George Bush doesn't care about black people, So you misquoted him in the title and in the post.
No statistic can prove how GWB ultimately feels about blacks. Kanye can never be proven right or wrong... it's just a thought
Posted by
Drew |
4:21 PM
Drew come on, on national TV. Calling the the President racist. How can you support this? If Bill Clinton was called a racist by someone like Don King, there would be hell to pay. I mean GWB could bring a charge of slander against Mr. Gold Digger, but it's just a thought! RIGHT!
Posted by
Brandon |
6:44 PM
I'm not supporting the statement, only the right to say it. You're right, saying something like that is a risky statement on anyones part and I'm sure Kanye has lost some sales for it. But to reiterate, I don't see how it can be proven right or wrong.
Posted by
Drew |
10:45 PM
It can't be proven right or wrong, but it is against the law to say something slanderous. Therefore it should not have been said. And why would you say something if you can't prove it anyway?
Posted by
Brandon |
10:52 AM
Conservatives claim to be the party of "free speech" and "the right to offend" until someone speaks out against them. I thought charging people with slander was supposed to be a liberal thing.
Posted by
Drew |
5:13 PM