Many people associate the Christmas story with peace on earth. But Christmas has nothing to do with peace. Jesus was born during the Pax Romana. As many know the Pax Romana means “the Roman Peace.” During this “Roman Peace,” Rome fought many wars. Also during this time of peace the Romans killed many people, including Christians for entertainment. Many were also hung along the Appian Way. Caesar was a great ruler. He knew just what the people needed; food and entertainment. He gave the people of his land just enough food to get by and plenty of entertainment which resulted in many deaths. When Jesus was born, King Herod ordered the killing of all newly born sons in order to eliminate any local rivals to his power. But please remember this is the Pax Romana. And so Jesus came to this earth to live in the form of man. He lived 33 years when he was killed. Again this is still during the Pax Romana.
So lets zoom to present day. The Holy Land. Nothing has really changed. They are still fighting for this holy land. So really the coming of Jesus just brought more hostility.
God never intended to send Jesus to Earth to bring peace. So the next time this Christmas season you see a card that says something like, “Let there be Peace on Earth,” just know there will never be peace on this Earth, until maybe the next coming of Christ.
Just because perfect peace isn't obtainable doesn't mean it's not worth striving for.
Posted by
Drew |
10:26 PM
We can and are striving for it. That is why we are taking the war to Iraq and Afghanistan so we will not have to fight them in America. But in order to have peace you must have war.
Posted by
Brandon |
10:56 PM
It's probably good to realize that Pax Romana to referred to the lack of civil war and major invasions, not an end to all conflicts. I don't think anyone ever really thought it was the epitome of peace.
Posted by
C |
11:14 PM
Well then I guess it should not be called the Pax Romana
Posted by
Brandon |
1:48 PM
"War is Peace."
-George Orwell, 1984
Posted by
Drew |
12:53 AM